Running Suicide Out of Our Lives


7 DAYS. 24,901 MILES.

In September 2019, we lost our beautiful daughter and sister, Sabrina, to suicide. To raise money and awareness for suicide prevention, we take on one of Sabrina’s personal challenges: to run all 24,901 miles around the world. For anyone who has lost a loved one, a friend, or perhaps someone you know to suicide, we invite you to take on the challenge with us.


How It Began

At age 25, Sabrina began a project to run all 24,901 miles around the circumference of the world. Sabrina tracked her mileage on a weekly basis and plotted her progress along a map, taking time to learn about the places she arrived at.

From a young age, Sabrina suffered from an eating disorder, first anorexia which later transformed into a binge eating disorder. Anxiety and depression accompanied her struggles making every day a challenge. To cope with her struggles, Sabrina turned to running. She became an avid runner, CrossFit enthusiast, and Spartan race competitor. She set ambitious goals for herself — one these goals was to run the circumference of the earth in just 10 years.

Despite her immense determination and all of our love and support, along with that of family and friends, at age 27 Sabrina took her own life. She was 2,427 miles along in her goal. Together we pick up where she left off and run the remainder of the distance in our fight against suicide and depression.


How It Works

As we continue on Sabrina’s path around the world, we collectively contribute miles towards her goal. We track our progress along a map, and spend time "virtually traveling" to new places. Along the way, we raise money and awareness for suicide prevention.

In Sabrina's words, "As I clock in miles on my home turf, I plot them on a map to virtually run to new places. When I 'arrive' in new cities I learn about their landmarks, culture, and landscape to feel like I have in some way traveled there. I enjoy learning about new places and constantly challenging myself to run faster and further."

“After backpacking through Europe in my early 20s, I find “Running the World” satisfies my wanderlust and love of distance running on an even lower budget — free.”



How You Can Participate

Running 24,901 miles is no small feat! Sabrina (with her endless determination) set out to run it all on her own. We are now joining forces to complete her goal. You can join our team and contribute your running, walking, or hiking miles towards Sabrina’s goal to run around the world!

For those who prefer to bike, you can also contribute your biking miles to our sister event to bike around the world! See our Bike page for more information.

In addition to logging miles, you can contribute to our mission by donating to organizations that raise awareness for suicide prevention. See our Donations page for more information.


“I am motivated to smile unconditionally, and in this way perpetuate forward the positivity that I am deeply aware has the power to change our world.”

— Sabrina Louise —



Sabrina in her own words.


On Hard Work

“Grit is the physical manifestation of a powerfully immovable intent and practice toward that vision. You decide what you want and you know it. You establish it as an immovable pillar.”


On Setting a High Bar

“To be better you have to set a high bar, change your frame of reference to be beyond your current reality. By setting a “norm” that is above your current level, you can direct yourself to “conform” to improvement.”

On Knowing

“Know yourself. Know and trust unconditionally that you are fundamentally capable of anything.”

“Everyone has something to learn and teach. On levels small and grand individuals unite to create positive change.”


On Weakness

“To admit weakness is to take responsibility. When we are responsible we channel and claim power to move forward. We become what we believe ONLY when we acknowledge our weaknesses, take responsibility, and despite it all, become something better.”

On the Cosmic Forces

“The power lies within you to create your world. When you harness and commit all your power within to your mission the entire universe conspires in your favor. You become an infinite generator of your will which the world receives, appreciates and reciprocates. You must use this power to act up, act out, act forward.”


On Now

“Here now, every opportunity, every possibility of freedom and power exist. Everything that ever was is now. Everything that ever will be is now. All existing exists like glass panes in infinite geometric space.”